About me


I’m Alex; a mum, writer, editor, accidental superhero expert, pop-culture fan and try-hard baker.

When I was at high school in the 80s, I felt I could just sit back and cruise on easy street, because I was destined for a career either in Neighbours, as a model, or as George Michael’s wife. But by the time the mid-90s rolled around and – shock– none of those things happened, reality bit and I ended up editing Australian Smash Hits magazine instead.

But a few years later, asking the likes of Peter Andre and Daniel Macpherson (who?) ridiculous questions about their underwear and who they fancied had become rather tiresome.  I decided to “go freelance” (I needed a little break). Various other jobs in the magazine world followed, including at Weight Watchers and TV Week.

These days I work in communications and am the mother of a 7-year-old son, Spider Boy. He likes superheroes, screen-time, sausages and jumping on things. He hates it when I sing, or cry while watching  TV. He doesn’t know just how cute he is when he scowls and growls at me, “I’m NOT cute, I’m cool, MUM!”

As well as working, feeding Spider Boy and treading on Lego, I blog and do the bare minimum when it comes to housework. I like cake. I have a 7-minute workout app on my phone and have used it 1 1/2 times.

Certain life events to do with marriage and divorce have meant a move from Sydney to Canberra, then from Canberra back to Sydney for the past five years. Now I’m about to move back to Canberra again. I’m looking forward to new adventures.

Join me on The Alexcellent Life to find:

  • Excellent adventures of the day-to-day as I balance work, home and life
  • edited highlights of the daily joys in the ordinary, and
  • reminders that when life gives you mediocre, you can make it your own kind of excellent.

You can also expect:

  • a pop of culture
  • a flash of retro
  • a touch of vintage style
  • the occasional Haiku, and
  • a dollop of dessert. Because even though I’m always “on a diet”, there’s always room for dessert.

Thanks for visiting. It’s great to have you here. I would love you to say hello in the comments section and let me know what you think.





Big mumma


    • Hi Angie, thanks so much for stopping by my blog and commenting. I found your blog through “Spoonful of style” and love your blog’s focus on family and connecting. I look forward to reading more! I will definitely check out your daughter’s blog too. Thanks again.

      • Love, love, love, Spoonful of Style! I need as much pretty as I can get now that I’m the only female among 4 males! Have a terrific weekend, Alex 🙂

      • She may start a new blog now that she is a new mom. Yes, she and baby Henry and husband Michael are happy and the sweetest young family ever. Not that I’m biased 🙂 I’ll send them your regards ❤

  1. So glad to connect with your site Alex! I would love to have done the celeb interviews you have enjoyed in your career! What a great experience to have such an insight to the world of fame and meeting such creative souls. Can’t wait to read more of your posts and look forward to keeping in contact. Big hearts to Spider Boy, what a champion!

    • Oh thank you Lita! Such kind words. I really appreciate you coming over to check out my blog and your comments. I am following you too now and am looking forward to checking out some of your plays – I love theatre. Yes, the celebrity interviews were such interesting times – I have many, many stories to tell – I will keep you posted! And yes Spider Boy is my true star!

  2. Hello Alexcellent! Lovely to meet you at EDB15 🙂
    I promised to keep you in the loop on our new research on kids and brekkie so would be lovely to have your email? Best wishes, Leigh

  3. Hi Alex, I love your blog! You need to write more about Canberra. It’s not like there is no material! I need some blogger friends to help me keep on track with blogging and not get too serious. Maybe we can be blog buddies? Loved reading about your Smash Hits days.

    • Hi Reena, thanks for looking at my blog! I would love to be blog buddies with you! I’m going to check yours out. Yes, the Smash Hits days were lots of fun and there’s plenty more stories there. I agree with you about writing about Canberra – also plenty of material. It may require a second blog! speak soon. 🙂

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